Java PriorityBlockingQueue - Thread-Safe and Memory Efficient Concurrent Heap
Michael Pogrebinsky Michael Pogrebinsky

Java PriorityBlockingQueue - Thread-Safe and Memory Efficient Concurrent Heap

In this article, we are going to learn about a very important thread-safe and memory-efficient data structure implementation, the PriorityBlockingQueue. We will first start by comparing it to the traditional heap-based PriorityQueue implementation, and later we will see what concurrency and performance-related features and guarantees the PriorityBlockingQueue provides to us.

Finally, we will write some Java code to see how a PriorityBlockingQueue is used in a practical real-life example.

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What makes JUnit the most popular Java Framework
Michael Pogrebinsky Michael Pogrebinsky

What makes JUnit the most popular Java Framework

JUnit is the most popular and widely used framework for unit testing in Java. Recent surveys show that it is also the most commonly included external library in Java projects.

In this article, we are going to explore the 2 features formula that makes any Java library a hit among Java developers.

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